
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Side Hustle - From Idea To Income In 27 Days – Book By Chris Guillebeau

Posted by at May 12, 2024 Read our previous post

Earning some extra cash through a side hustle is everybody's dream. This book by Chris Guillebeau not only gives you ideas and practical examples of various side hustles that you can do in your spare time, it teaches to launch the side hustle to a full time business there by making you financial independent.

Side Hustle - From Idea To Income In 27 Days – Book By Chris Guillebeau

This book is designed for the busy people, who can't wait long for earning through their side hustle and it will teach you to do the same in just 27 days. A side hustle not only gives you an extra source of income, it also gives you a new job security. When you receive paychecks from different sources, it allows you to take more risks in your regular career life, as well as in your business life, thereby increasing the chances of your further success. Moreover, you don't need to have an entrepreneurial experience in order to launch a profitable side hustle.

The book explains that for any side hustle to be successful, it needs to successfully meet three factors:

  1. Feasibility: How easy it is to convert the idea into action in a short duration of time? Just having an idea is not enough if you want to run a profitable business out of it. You need to convert the idea into action. Also you must make sure that the conversion of idea into action does not take forever. This process must be completed in a short duration of time. Meeting these two criteria defines the feasibility of the idea.

  2. Profitability: The main purpose of any idea in business is to earn from it. If you can’t earn from your idea, it’s not profitable. How quickly can you earn money from your idea, defines the profitability of the idea. In order to run a successful business, you need to make sure, that your idea is profitable. And you must keep in mind, that you need to change or upgrade your idea from time to time in order to meet the market demand.

  3. Persuasion: Why your idea is needed by your clients? Before you start working on your idea, you need to be clear about why this idea of yours is needed by your client. If you are not clear about it, you can end up making a product, which does not meet your client’s or potential client’s requirements. So it is very essential to be sure about the persuasion of your idea.

The book is brilliantly written and is very informative with all the real life examples and good ideas that one can utilize in their side hustles especially when you have a day job. This book will appeal to anyone who is interested in creating extra sources of income.

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