Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Magic Finger – Book By Roald Dahl

Posted by at May 28, 2024

Here’s another fun fiction book for you. So take a break from your financial dreams and enjoy this short and hilarious book by Roald Dahl. Greggs family have been hunting animals and birds simply for fun, but to the girl living next door, it's absolutely horrible. This girl has a secret of her own. She has a magic finger and when she gets super angry, her magic finger takes control of her. She has no control on what the magic finger does, but whatever it does, teaches a lesson to the culprits.

The Magic Finger – Book By Roald Dahl

So what happens this time is that the girl's magic finger turns the Greggs family into birds living in nest and also moves the ducks into the Gregg's house. But that's not the whole story, in fact that's just the beginning of their trouble.

This is the second book I read from Roald Dahl and I loved both of them. A short and hilarious story with a lesson. The writing style is engaging and funny. The characters are funny as well and the book also includes pictures related to the story being narrated. Animal lovers and children book lovers will surely adore this book. So sit back and enter the magical world which Roald Dahl creates for his readers in this book.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Very Very Rich And How They Got That Way - Book By Max Gunther

Posted by at May 18, 2024

Wealth has always been one of the most intriguing topics for me. Since I keep reading about money, wealth and the rich people all the time, I always thought I am aware of the world’s richest people’s names, until I read this book. After reading this book, to my surprise, I realized that I didn’t know the names of any of the rich personalities mentioned in this book.

The Very Very Rich And How They Got That Way - Book By Max Gunther

The book narrates the success stories of America’s 15 elite people, not just ordinary rich people, but those who made it to the very top, in terms of business, money and success. Since I was not aware of any of these person’s names, so it was a pleasant surprise to read about them. Apart from just narrating the stories of these very rich people, the book also provides the guidance to the readers, on how to achieve this. Although already more than 40 years old, this book still holds the secrets to wealth.

Despite providing great knowledge, I found the book a bit too long and little boring, so I find myself skimming through some of the pages at times. Though your opinion on this book might differ from mine in this perspective, so I included this book here.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Side Hustle - From Idea To Income In 27 Days – Book By Chris Guillebeau

Posted by at May 12, 2024

Earning some extra cash through a side hustle is everybody's dream. This book by Chris Guillebeau not only gives you ideas and practical examples of various side hustles that you can do in your spare time, it teaches to launch the side hustle to a full time business there by making you financial independent.

Side Hustle - From Idea To Income In 27 Days – Book By Chris Guillebeau

This book is designed for the busy people, who can't wait long for earning through their side hustle and it will teach you to do the same in just 27 days. A side hustle not only gives you an extra source of income, it also gives you a new job security. When you receive paychecks from different sources, it allows you to take more risks in your regular career life, as well as in your business life, thereby increasing the chances of your further success. Moreover, you don't need to have an entrepreneurial experience in order to launch a profitable side hustle.

The book explains that for any side hustle to be successful, it needs to successfully meet three factors:

  1. Feasibility: How easy it is to convert the idea into action in a short duration of time? Just having an idea is not enough if you want to run a profitable business out of it. You need to convert the idea into action. Also you must make sure that the conversion of idea into action does not take forever. This process must be completed in a short duration of time. Meeting these two criteria defines the feasibility of the idea.

  2. Profitability: The main purpose of any idea in business is to earn from it. If you can’t earn from your idea, it’s not profitable. How quickly can you earn money from your idea, defines the profitability of the idea. In order to run a successful business, you need to make sure, that your idea is profitable. And you must keep in mind, that you need to change or upgrade your idea from time to time in order to meet the market demand.

  3. Persuasion: Why your idea is needed by your clients? Before you start working on your idea, you need to be clear about why this idea of yours is needed by your client. If you are not clear about it, you can end up making a product, which does not meet your client’s or potential client’s requirements. So it is very essential to be sure about the persuasion of your idea.

The book is brilliantly written and is very informative with all the real life examples and good ideas that one can utilize in their side hustles especially when you have a day job. This book will appeal to anyone who is interested in creating extra sources of income.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Big Switch – It’s Never Too Late - Book By John Thomas

Posted by at May 11, 2024

It’s a story about chasing and living your dreams. Keith Kurien, who is a software engineer in an IT firm and has a girlfriend, is not even close to being happy. Keith wonders whether it’s his career or love life that’s not on track. Eventually he realizes that it’s both his career and love life that needs a change.

The Big Switch – It’s Never Too Late - Book By John Thomas

The story is something that most of us can relate to, especially if you are working in an IT firm or if you are into sports. Most of us are just working for money and are not interested in that work at all. The work may also include unpaid overtime that we devote to our work. Keith is also dealing with these issues. But rather than complaining about his life, he chooses to change it. How he realizes that he needs a change, and what this hardworking and dedicated guy does to change his life, is what this book is all about.

The book is not loaded with motivational slogans to teach you follow your dreams. Rather it does this by example. It also portrays the importance of good friends in your life. Sometimes a good friend is all you need to get and stay motivated towards your goal. The language used in the book is simple and easy to read and understand.

I do feel that the pace of the story at some places could have been better. I also feel that the story revolves too much around Keith, the main character. The rest of the characters could have been more developed. However, despite of these small issues, it’s still a very good read. So if you are in search of a career oriented motivational fiction book, I would highly recommend this one.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Book By Dr. Joseph Murphy

Posted by at May 09, 2024

The book discusses many revolutionary mind focusing techniques which are based on proven and practical principles. If you believe in something, picture it in your conscious mind to impress it on your subconscious mind. Once your subconscious mind accepts it, it becomes a reality.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Book By Dr. Joseph Murphy

The author presents various case studies and success stories in this book. Whatever you are looking for, whether it is promotion, prestige, wealth, friendships, love bonds, marriage, conquering phobias, banishing bad habits, enjoying good sleep or even healing minor ailments, your subconscious mind has the answers to your problems. The power of your subconscious mind helps you remove the mental blocks that stand between you and your goals.

The book is packed with various problems that we face in our day to day life and their solutions using the power of our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind works on affirmations and the book provides numerous affirmations for almost every problem of yours and helps you understand working with the subconscious mind, so that no matter what you want in life, you are well equipped to ask for it from your subconscious mind using affirmations. The book is easy to read and understand, and I can definitely consider reading it multiple times.

Although Dr. Joseph Murphy has done an amazing job in this book, I personally feel that this is a deep topic and researching using multiple books would be more beneficial for the readers. Like there’s a different concept I read somewhere about how subconscious mind works, in which it is explained how affirmations can harm rather than providing an advantage. What this concept says is that when we say affirmations, our mind inadvertently focuses on the lack of something, instead of focusing on the abundance of that something, which actually invites the lack of it rather than its abundance. So we need to make sure, that we are focusing on abundance and not lack.

Overall it is definitely an interesting topic and it’s an interesting and informative book for research on subconscious mind, how it works and how to make a good use of it.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Billionaire Boy – Book By David Walliams

Posted by at May 06, 2024

Concerning for money all the time can be stressful sometimes, so here’s a fun fiction book, again based on wealth. Joe Spud is a twelve-year old boy, who is overweight and over rich. He has everything you can possibly think of except a friend. What he hates more, whether the fact that he is very rich or whether the fact that his dad got rich by making loo rolls, is a mystery. Joe, who has billions of reasons to be happy and who is the richest twelve-year old boy, is however not happy at all.

Billionaire Boy – Book By David Walliams

As the saying goes, that “the road to riches is often very lonely”, fits exactly on the life of Joe. Joe quits his posh school and joins a local school in search of a real friend who loves him for what he is by nature and not by wealth. He even hides the fact that he is very rich from everyone in his new school, so that he can find a real friend who doesn’t want to be with him because of his money. The big question is “How long could Joe keep the fact that he was a billionaire a secret?” What follows is an amazing story filled with humor and mystery and of course a lesson for Joe as well as for the readers.

The book serves well for kids as well as adults. It’s a simple and cute story of friendship, and the value of money versus the value of family. The characters are lovable. It’s a very delightful read and I recommend this book to kids as well as adults who are interested in a light read with mysterious and funny plot.

Frankly speaking, I have seen people comparing David Walliams with Roald Dahl, which I wouldn't be doing here because to me, both have done amazing work and both are great authors in my eyes. I have read some books from both the authors, and they both deserve praise and appreciation.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind - Mastering The Inner Game Of Wealth - Book By T Harv Eker

Posted by at May 05, 2024

We all have a personal money blueprint ingrained in our subconscious mind, and it is this blueprint, more than anything else, that will determine our financial lives. In order to improve our financial life, we must change this financial blueprint. Once you learn how to change this financial blueprint, you will encounter natural and automatic success.

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind - Mastering The Inner Game Of Wealth Book By T Harv Eker

This is one of the best books on finance and success, that I have ever read. If you loved the books like "Think and Grow Rich" and "Rich Dad Poor Dad", you will probably like this one too. The writer makes it clear that he is not talking about rich and poor people, but rather rich and poor mindsets. The book illustrates the differences between the rich and poor mindset. Among other concepts, the book also explains the law of income, which states that you will be paid directly proportional to the value you deliver, which shows that this is not just any other get rich quick or affirmations reciting book, but rather a truly practical book on how the successful people have achieved it.

If you are looking for a book that truly helps you in achieving success and prosperity, then go and read this book. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. As this is one of the topics that I research a lot, so I must say, if you are really interested in this topic, don't just stick to one book. Keep exploring more books, and that's what I do.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Happy Money – Book By Laina Buenostar

Posted by at May 04, 2024

Acquiring money through any route is not enough if you really want to grow as a wealthy personality, because this world works on a give and take rule. You must give something in order to receive something bigger, and you must return something bigger, when you receive something big. This book, “Happy Money” teaches this in a very pleasant way. This is a book that is must needed for everyone in the world, to help get the flow of money going in their life. It discusses a simple 2 step formula to make it happen, which you can understand easily after reading this book.

Happy Money – Book By Laina Buenostar

I won’t be discussing the formula here as I never want to spoil the plot for the readers, but it’s related to the power of giving and the attitude of gratitude. Trust me it’s a very effective method and once incorporated into your life, you will experience abundance from unknown sources.

The writing style is cute and friendly. You will get absorbed in the book and will stay like that right from the beginning till the end. The book is suitable for anyone to read, old or young, man or woman, rich or poor, employee or businessman. The practice discussed in the book is something that I have incorporated into my life and have seen its wonderful results. It’s been a pleasure and I feel lucky to have read this book. Kudos to Laina Buenostar for sharing this amazing idea with the world.

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